MINUTES OF MEETING Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting is advised that the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. TURNBULL CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors for the Turnbull Creek Community Development District held a Board of Supervisors Meeting on September 10, 2024, at 6:00 pm. The meeting location was at Murabella Amenity Center at 101 Positano Avenue, St. Augustine, FL 32092. Present and constituting a quorum: Jeremy Vencil Board Supervisor, Vice Chairman Chris DelBene Board Supervisor, Assistant Secretary Raymond Ames Board Supervisor, Assistant Secretary Diana Jordan-Baldwin Board Supervisor, Assistant Secretary Also present were: Ben Pfuhl District Manager, Rizzetta & Co., Inc. Jennifer Kilinski District Counsel, Kilinski/Van Wyk Mike Yuro District Engineer, Yuro & Associates Erick Hutchinson Amenity Manager, RMS Jim Schieszer Operations Manager, RMS Brian Stevens Account Manager, Yardnique Audience members present. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order / Roll Call Mr. Vencil called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items Audience member made a statement in favor of retaining RMS. Audience member expressed thanks for the removal of a Pine Tree and requested that budget information be sent out to the community earlier. Audience member requested having a separate meeting that is specifically dedicated to the budget public hearing. Audience member questioned the RFP package. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports – Part A A. District Engineer Mr. Yuro reviewed the status of the walking trail improvements project and reviewed the proposal found under Tab 1 of the agenda. The Board questioned why the proposed additional work was not included in the initial proposal. Mr. Yuro explained that the extra work was determined to be necessary once the project has already begun. Discussion ensued regarding the cost of the proposal. Mr. DelBene joined the meeting in progress. Mr. Yuro explained that the work would be needed to complete the project. On a motion by Ms. Jordan-Baldwin, seconded by Mr. DelBene, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors authorized Mr. Yuro to negotiate the price with Aquagenics setting a not to exceed amount of $4,000, for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. Mr. Yuro reviewed the pool deck and retaining wall repairs, and the Board asked him to return to the next meeting with proposals to have a structural engineer review and provide recommendations. B. Landscaper Mr. Stevens reviewed the landscaping reports with the Board, and highlighted the due to heavy rainfall they were behind on their normal schedule. Mr. Stevens also stated that because of the predicted rainfall, mowing operations have been suspended for the remainder of the week and the landscaping teams will instead focus of weed treatment, trimming low limbs, and treating the pool deck/pool area. As resident raised a concern about the rose bushes in the neighborhood, and Mr. Stevens said he would investigate. The Board did not take action on the proposal provided as the work would be covered in the scope of the Aquagenics proposal. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Jani-King Renewal Agreement Mr. Pfuhl reviewed the agreement with the Board. On a motion by Mr. Vencil, seconded by Ms. Jordan-Baldwin, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors approved Jani-King’s renewal at the same current rate of $726.00 per month from September to Many, and $1,035.51 per month from June to August, for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Informal Request for Proposals for Amenity/Field Management Services 1.) Consideration of Fees/Proposal from RMS for FY 2025 Mr. Mossing, from RMS reviewed the proposed 5% increase with the Board. Mr. DelBene raised a concern about numerous resident complaints about the lifeguard staff, and that the facility monitor, and facility attendant role was often being filled by the same individual simultaneously. The Board requested that moving forward RMS ensures that if a facility attendant and facility monitor are scheduled for the same time that the roles be assigned to two different people so that there are two individuals physically present onsite. Discussion ensued about the lifeguards. The Board requested that there be an assigned head lifeguard to oversee the other lifeguards and ensure that they are enforcing District policies. Mr. Mossing explained that RMS is expanding their lifeguard program and plan to have it more functional by the next summer season. On a motion by Ms. Jordan-Baldwin, seconded by Mr. Vencil, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors approved RMS’ renewal and asked District Counsel to include language in the agreement that the facility attendant and facility monitor positions are staffed by two different individuals, for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-11; Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule On a motion by Mr. DelBene, seconded by Ms. Jordan-Baldwin, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution 2024-11, for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda 1.) Consideration of the Minutes of the Board of Supervisor’s Meeting held August 13, 2024 2.) Ratification of the Operation and Maintenance Expenditures for July 2024 On a motion by Mr. DelBene, seconded by Ms. Jordan-Baldwin, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors approved the Minutes of the meeting held on August 13, 2024, and ratified the Operation and Maintenance Expenditures for July 2024, in the amount of $150,007.11, for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. Mr. DelBene requested to see the invoices from District Counsel for litigation expenses. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-12; Declaring Vacancy of Seat # 1 On a motion by Mr. DelBene, seconded by Ms. Jordan-Baldwin, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution 2024-12, for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. The Board requested District Counsel bring a draft of the announcement to the community to the next Board of Supervisors’ Meeting for approval. NINTH ORDER OF BUISINESS Consideration Resolution 2024- 13; Redesignating Officers On a motion by Mr. DelBene, seconded by Ms. Jordan-Baldwin, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution 2024-13, designating Mr. Vencil as Chair and Mr. Ames as Vice Chair, for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports – Part B A. District Counsel Ms. Kilinski requested the Board set another Shade Session at the beginning of the next Board of Supervisors’ Meeting and that Mr. Pfuhl be added to the list of attendees. The Board approved. B. Amenity and Field Operations Mr. Schieszer reviewed his report with the Board and raised concerns about erosion around the ponds at various locations due to resident actions. Mr. DelBene requested those areas be staked/taped off and to have the District Engineer review these areas and confirm there is a concern. Mr. Yuro stated he will investigate the areas and report back to the Board. C. District Manager Mr. Pfuhl reviewed the insurance renewal for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 with the Board, Exhibit A, highlighting that the total coverage for the District was $596 under the budgeted amount. On a motion by Mr. DelBene, seconded by Ms. Jordan-Baldwin, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors approved the EGIS insurance coverage renewal for Fiscal Year 2024/205, for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests & Audience Comments Supervisor Requests Mr. DelBene questioned if the letter had been sent to the resident regarding feeding the ducks, Ms. Kiliniski confirmed that it had. Mr. DelBene requested an e-blast be sent to the community reminding residents that storm drains should be clear at all times and should not be blocked. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On motion by Mr. Vencil, seconded by Mr. Ames, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors adjourned the meeting at 8:59 p.m., for Turnbull Creek Community Development District. Exhibit A